This is What Happens When Your Fishing Day Gets Rained Out

Relaxing at the Fishing Camp on a Rainy Day

The Travel Vlog Family

Good morning! I got up at 5:00 today. It's now 6:00, and we're going fishing. Let's have some fun!

It started pouring rain, so we tied off at the dock and stopped at a marina. We thought we might be able to catch something, but we started to hear thunder and see the lightning, which was a signal to go inside. We'll hang out; something on my dad's boat broke, so I may try to fix it. The weather is supposed to get worse later today, although you never know. If it clears up by this afternoon, we may try to go out again, but it's highly unlikely. We'll have to try again tomorrow.

When I got home, I sat in the living room with Jacques and ate some pistachios. Every time I'd crack one open and eat it, he laughed so hard that Krista thought I was tickling him. He's getting good at standing on his own. I showed Amelia a fish I'd caught before, and the kids spent the afternoon playing. It was one of those rainy days when you stay inside all day and don't do anything.

Krista and I went to the store because we needed some things. We hung around the house today and fried some fish at night. It was delicious. Tomorrow morning at 5:00 we're going out at first light to try and catch more fish because the rain chances are a lot less. This is why when you go to a fishing camp, you go for more than one day because there's always a possibility that your fishing day might get rained out.

Yesterday my dad and I went out and caught some fish, and it was fun. We caught some big redfish. I'll include links below if you haven't seen the video yet. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow our journey. See y'all tomorrow!




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